I believe I got each instance of bk on that host upgraded to 7. Have you ever seen the issue detailed in this thread, though(?):
The core issue seems to be with the attempt to “su” to the bkd-eng-dev user on the host bka/letz (whether this is done local to bka or from remote, over ssh).
When I try, for instance, “su - awilson”, I’m switched to that account on letz, and I get the command-prompt back, afterward. “su - bkd-eng-dev” doesn’t return a prompt, though. The script/command that she’s running is likely having a problem with this.
Entries written to letz:/var/log/auth.log look about the same for both attempts:
letz:~# grep awilson/var/log/auth.log | grep agenerette
Nov 15 10:30:24 letz su[16759]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user awilson by agenerette(uid=0)
letz:~# grep bkd-eng-dev /var/log/auth.log | grep agenerette
Nov 15 10:00:31 letz su[12885]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user bkd-eng-dev by agenerette(uid=0)
And there does appear to be a user there for bkd-eng-dev:
letz:~# id awilson
uid=1228(awilson) gid=53(eng) groups=53(eng),100(users),113(revcvs),1228(awilson),116(review),111(engdoc)
letz:~# id bkd-eng-dev
uid=998(bkd-eng-dev) gid=999(bkd) groups=999(bkd)
So, the question is why isn’t “su - bkd-eng-dev” returning a prompt and what can we do to fix it. Nothing that I’ve found, researching the problem, has helped, so far.
Text of error:
The commit is aborted.
Error running ‘bk ci -a -y"ChangeLog for v1.2600.0" doc/ChangeLog && bk commit -y"ChangeLog for v1.2600.0"’.
Could not commit entry to the changelog!
Failed to execute command: ChangeLog --Set 1.2600.0 --File doc/ChangeLog --MilestoneComment Branch 1-2600 --User nobody --Reviewer nobody --DesignReviewer nobody --IgnoreDependencies at /common/system/bin/MaintainRepositories line 430.
Failed to execute command: ssh -q -t bk0 sudo -u bkd-eng-dev /common/system/bin/MaintainRepositories --Level 402650 --Version 1-2600 --Repository libproduct-common --Clone libproduct-common-1-26 at /common/system/bin/MaintainRepositories line 430.